Sunday, 6 July 2014

#003: Spotted at Haute Couture Week Day 1...

Where are the sunglasses? there are more flashing lights! So, it begins...Haute Couture Week begun yesterday (6th of July) with Donatella Versace kicking things off for Atelier Versace with Jennifer Lopez in attendance. But on Saturday Miu Miu decided to host their Pre Spring/Summer '15 collection while the fashion crowed were already nested in Paris. The likes of Alexa Chung and Marc Jacobs sat comfortably on the small mirrored boxes on the front row. 

Lets begin with the Italian/Parisian Saturday evening. 

Alexa has always been a huge style icon in the UK, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that she has made waves across Europe. Good on her. Anyways, as the evening was hosted by the Prada Group, Chung opted for a sleek silk look from Prada's Autumn/Winter 2014 collection with matching silk scarf and pumps. I LOVE this look. It's very modern, but VERY ageing on poor Chungy. Despite looking incredible, I believe this look would better suit a much older woman. Regardless, I think she looks incredible! 

I give this look 8/10
Another icon at the event was the one and only, Marc Jacobs wearing his signature skirt. I'm guessing Jacobs is also wearing Prada's A/W '14 collection. Shouldn't he know, especially being a designer to NEVER sit down if your wearing anything silk, especially a skirt, because boy, those cresses do not look good. Is it odd that this doesn't "shock" me the way others probably feel shocked. Like I said, it's his signature with the likes of wannabe "designer" Kanye West, and yes? the bunny ears are necessary. I have nothing else to say about this look. Although, I must say that the skirt looks like a packet is Smoky Bacon crisp (chip) packet. The comparison is uncanny. Might I add, the bag looks like a toiletry bag.

I give this look 4/10

From one icon to another, Mira Duma. I'm too sure what she does, apparently a "digital investor" from her Instagram description. Anyways, she is always on the style pages and there is a reason; she is incredibly gifted with editing a look together to create a unique look. She was at the Miu Miu affair, not wearing Miu Miu or Prada, but Céline, hmm, why? I aim to have my own luxury fashion label and if someone who is for sure to be photographed at my event wearing another brand's clothing, I will be totally offended. I find it very disrespectful, because she is basically saying she doesn't like anything you've created so I'm going to wear another's brand. Anyways, it's a very Prada silhouette, the top that is. I loved the Céline collection and will for sure go down as one of my favourite, so I'm not that mad! lol

I give this look 7/10

Jennifer Lopez, turning straight woman gay and gay men straight; she has the power in the palm of her hands, trust me! ;) Now that's it's officially Couture Week, as pair usual, the Atelier Versace kicks off the excitement with their powerfully seductive sexy woman doing the Karlie Kloss panther walk down the runway. Last season, Lady Gaga was the guest of honour, but this season, the ever so sexy, J Low was greeted at the steps by Donatella Versace, obviously! Wearing one of the looks from the show. A sleek crisp white strapless gown with half of it dramatically cut off leaving a very glamorous sequinned pant leg - one of the key trends from the show. Personally, I have mixed feelings about this look. Without knowing the designer, it clearly has it's VERSACE stamp on it. To elevate the look, I believe the trouser leg hem should have been a little higher, maybe hitting just above the ankle. The shoes are very Versace...big; clumpy and tacky. Sorry, one of us had to say it. The hair and make-up are perfect as per usual. Not very fund of the bracelet. The look could have done without it. Other than that, it's flawless! I wonder if we'll see Lopez at any other show, Chanel maybe?

I give this look 8/10

Eamonn Collins


  1. They all look amazing! I love the way you talk here on your blog, keep up the good work. Have an amazing day. :)

    I AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook

    What Kenny Hearts a Fashion and Home Design Blog

  2. Oh, thank you! (: Make sure to FOLLOW (:

  3. What a great post! JLo looks amazing.
    Maybe we can follow each other via GFC if you like to? Just let me know and I'll follow right back.

    xx Lori

  4. this is such a cool post! I especially love Alexa's look :)



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